Marine Lift
SABRI partnered with St. Anthony Port Authority in 2010/11 on a 50/50 cost shared basis to purchase a Y-30 Marine Hydraulic Yard Trailer. The Port Authority took delivery of the trailer in May 2011. The Trailer was first used to take vessels out of the water in the fall of 2011 at the Grenfell Dock Facility. This facility was used as a temporary site. In 2014 St. Anthony Basin Resources Inc. partnered with the St. Anthony Port Authority and the Town of St. Anthony to fund one third the cost of a project to construct a ramp and lay down area at Murrays Point to operate the Marine Lift from. The remaining matching funds were leveraged from IBRD and ACOA for the $900,000 project. This infrastructure has successfully been in progress since the fall of 2014. Small boats have been using the area as a location for repairs as well as for winter storage.
SABRI has a bait program in place which provides bait to Fish Harvesters who reside within the SABRI region. Fish Harvesters use bait for the species they catch, as well as sell their product to a processor within the region. This brings tremendous benefits to the region as it yields additional product being landed and processed. The Harvester and Processor benefits and other economic activity is generated through spin-offs such as offloading and trucking the product.
It is often necessary for Small Boat Fish Harvesters to truck their product to a buyer within the region. SABRI has provided a subsidy to Fish Harvesters to offset some of the cost associated with trucking cod, whelk, and halibut.
Other Initiatives
SABRI has also been involved in other Fisheries Initiatives over the years. Some of which include those listed below. For additional information on these initiatives please view our newsletters:
▪ Sea Cucumber Fishery
▪ Toad Crab Fishery
▪ Ice Breaking
▪ Canavac Pump and Trailer
▪ Hauling Equipment Upgrades
▪ Herring and Mackerel Traps
▪ Whelk Survey
▪ Capelin Trap
▪ Salt Fish Project
▪ Small Loans Program
▪ The Char Project