SABRI Recognizes Max Short as a Worthy Order of Newfoundland and Labrador recipient

SABRI Champion, Max Short awarded the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador

St. Anthony, October 7, 2022: St. Anthony Basin Resources acknowledges the important work and lifetime contributions of Max Short to the province’s fishing industry.

Max spent a lifetime advocating for improvements to those who earned their living from the sea. His work with Minister Fred Mifflin as a special advisor led to the establishment of our very organization. SABRI was created in 1997, when Minister Mifflin announced an increase to Northern Shrimp in SFA 6 and allocated a special quota of 3000 MT to benefit the people of the 17 communities on the Great Northern Peninsula from Big Brook to Goose Cove East.

Max championed the need for special allocation quotas and how they can be used to benefit fishers, plant workers and communities to expand the economic base, create jobs in harmony with our rural lifestyle.

Max and his commitment to fishers, plant workers and communities as the province navigated the cod moratorium is transformative. He advanced policies, innovative initiatives and undertakings with the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans that have improved the quality of life of those earning a living from the sea.

“SABRI was born from the influence and vision of people like Max. He was instrumental in ensuring that the St. Anthony Basin region would benefit from a resource adjacent to our region. This type of Federal support has enabled SABRI to spend 25 years re-investing in our region. We at SABRI recognize him for his significant impact and congratulate him on being recognized with the province’s highest honour”.                                                            

Wayne Noel, Chairperson


Christopher Mitchelmore, Executive Director

St. Anthony Basin Resources Inc.

(709) 454-3484